Milhões substituíram sua Gallery por uma Gallery de fotos inteligente. Try Smart Album Gallery é uma Gallery de fotos inteligente que aprende o que é mais importante
Milhões substituíram sua Gallery por uma Gallery de fotos inteligente. Try smart album
Gallery é uma Gallery de fotos inteligente que aprende o que é mais importante para você, organiza suas fotos e vídeos em momentos, ajudando você a reivindicar e compartilhar as melhores memórias da vida.
Meet Gallery , the fastest growing Gallery app for Android and the first ever Gallery for Android Wear.
"... is a smart and well-designed Gallery replacement for the built-in phone Gallery "
" intelligent mobile Gallery app that displays all your best photos"
-The Next Web
"The genius of Gallery , however, happens under the hood, where a robust personalization system learns which photos mean more to you"
-Business Insider
A única Gallery escolhida pelo Business Insider como um dos 100 principais aplicativos do mundo, Gallery é uma Gallery de fotos gratuita e próxima de geração que é um substituto completo da sua Gallery nativa.
With Gallery , you can:
• Automatically organize all of your photos and videos according to your events, date, time, and location into album.
• For the classic photo Gallery feel, the Gallery view has all of your photos and videos in one slick Gallery view.
• Use the Moments view for a more unique, collage like view based around events, date, and location.
• Easily share groups of photos and videos from your Gallery , with just a tap!
• Share album with ease to all of your favorite social networks: WhatsApp, Facebook, G+, Line, Kakao, WeChat, and more.
• The easiest and fastest way to create Facebook photo albums, on the fly!
• Modo Smart - Crie um álbum de fotos mais personalizado que destaque as melhores fotos da sua Gallery de fotos, identifica fotos semelhantes e centrões de miniaturas de fotos em torno de rostos sorridentes!
• Notificações inteligentes - tenha Gallery ajudando a redescobrir essas fotos da sua viagem ao exterior no mês passado, aniversário de seus filhos no ano passado ou qualquer memória importante que foi perdida em sua Gallery .
• A Gallery that's not backed up is a sad photo Gallery !
• Integrate Gallery with your Google Photos (Picasa) so you can view and manage all of your photos & videos in one cloud Gallery .
Gallery offers the first ever photo Gallery created for smartwatches. With Gallery on Android Wear, you can:
• View or Delete your Gallery photos - all from your smartwatch!
• Share photos and albums directly to Facebook, on the fly.
• Photo Notifications - Easily access your latest photos from your Gallery with just a tap.
Perguntas frequentes
Why replace my native Gallery ?
Gallery is the only photo Gallery that works for you - gone are the days of endless scrolling in your Gallery in search of life's best memories. Gallery is the only Gallery app that learns about you the more you use it.
How does Gallery work?
Gallery has a strong technological difference from other Gallery apps. The Gallery Curation Engine (GCE) uses computer vision and big data to understand what makes a great photo.
Gallery then organizes the photos and videos in your Gallery into moments that can be easily relieved and shared.
About our permissions
Calendar - Gallery asks for permissions to read your calendar so that we can auto-title your moments based on your calendar events. We do not use this information for any other purpose.
About Privacy
Your privacy is important to us! Gallery does not copy or store your photos and videos. Only the photos & videos which you have specifically chosen to share from your Gallery will be uploaded to our secure servers.